Introducing Ahi Pepe MothNet Lite - new classroom activities
As part of Ahi Pepe MothNet, we have developed a set of resources to help you integrate Ahi Pepe into your class. The constituent units contain most of the special vocabulary you’ll need. Most importantly, we’ve tried to include things that will make the unit enjoyable and fun for everyone.
Our guiding principle is Kaitiakitaka mā te Pūtaiao, mā te Taiao, mā te mahi Toi - Stewardship through Science, Nature, Art.
When we assembled all the resources and as we looked through them we realised that we’ve created a LOT of great stuff!! So that you don’t miss anything, and so that material is easy for you to find, we’ve put together a structure. The resources have been divided into ten units with links to the experiment resources so that you can link the outside activities and the inside activities together. This is just a scaffolding; you could just do the inside activities. Use them however you want – we’re sure everyone will have a slightly different take and we’d love to hear what you’ve done with them and share feedback with our growing community of moth whisperers. We especially love to hear stories from the tamariki and see the pictures they’ve created. We are sure there many of teaching staff who would love to see examples of how other teachers have integrated the units into the kura/school curriculum. Please do follow our Ahi Pepe MothNet Facebook page or join the Ahi Pepe MothNet Whanau Facebook group, and share your stories and images there.
These resources are free to download and print, and there's something for every age from 3 to 103. Why not share them with your family and friends?
An introduction to the units.
- Ahi Pepe
- Kā Manu o Rēhua
- Te pepe – The Moth
- He aha te ki a te pepe? What does the moth eat?
- Kei hea au? – Where am I?
- He aha tātou a mātai ai? – Why study Moths?
- Whakaaiai – Pollination
- Mā wai kā pepe a kai? Who eats the moth?
- Ahakoa taku iti – The smallest can be mighty
- Te Whakamātau - The experiment
The units are also be available via Ahi Pepe | MothNet Light - Classroom Activities

Setting up a moth trap

Students carry moth traps into Bushy Park Sanctuary

Robert Hoare talks about a moth seen in the field at Bushy Park with teacher Tiahuia Kawe-Small.

A student on the Ahi Pepe camp looks at the results of the nights collection of moths

The moths have been collected from Bushy Park Sanctuary and brought back to Pūtiki Marae in Whānganui

Robert Hoare examines a specimen

One of the moths collected during the camp in a specimen jar.

Robert Hoare, lepidopterist with Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research identifies moths collected during the Ahi Pepe camp.